• 12

    Total beginner

    Not familiar with correct grips, strokes, court positions or movement patterns.

  • 11

    Has coaching experience

    Has learned the correct grips for each stroke. Familiar with court positions, hitting balls with some success.


  • 10

    Able to play every stroke, but not consistently

    Developing feel for the ball and maintaining regular contact with some control. Developing a service action with success from the service line.

  • 9

    Display ball control & starting to maintain rallies

    From the service line with a coach or another pupil. Improved service consistency and familiar with movement patterns.


  • 8

    Ready for Competitive Tennis

    Serving with consistency but without power. Can rally and control the direction of the ball and play a basic game of singles or doubles. Smaller concentrated groups are now recommended.

  • 7

    Have completed at least one competition

    Consistency has improved on all strokes and can better control the direction and flight of the ball. Has further developed court positioning and movement patterns.


  • 6

    Learning variety on strokes with the fundamentals of topspin and slice

    Serve will be more varied and now displaying some ability to construct points.

  • 5

    Completed several competitions and or tournaments

    Displaying good routines, variation on both serves and greater depth and power on all strokes.


  • 4

    Can now hit with power and consistency

    Win free points from strong serves, construct points well and displaying quick and balanced movement.

  • 3

    A good understanding of different game styles and can implement them

    Taking more shots on the rise with the ability to finish points with winning plays.


  • 2

    Regular tournament player

    All shots technically very good with power and consistency. Can evaluate opponents and match their own strengths against their opponent’s weaknesses. AR points for Juniors or highest grade competition for adults.

  • 1

    State and national ranked player

    Chosen in state and national training squads, state and national teams. Bio-mechanically very sound with excellent athleticism. Displaying great perception and anticipation with the ability to make correct decisions more often. Demonstrate uncompromising fighting spirit and determination.
